onó gives life & feeds the soul… long live the father
Sotol is a distillate made from the head of the Dasylirion plant, of the Asparagaceae family, known by the same name and indigenous from the North of Mexico. The word ‘Sotol’ derives from the Náhuatl language, it means “the sweet of the head”, it was used by different native tribes like the Anasazi, Tarahumara, Toboso and Apache since the year 205 D.C. Nonetheless, the Raramuri people call the Sotol plant by the name Sereque. For 800 years, the Tarahuymara have produced Sotol for their spiritual ceremonies, led by their revered Shamon (Onó). The soulfulness of Sotol, makes the first sips a pleasure to the palate. Onó means Father in the Tarahumara language. Our distillate is named in honor of the indigenous people of this land, their ancestral traditions, and the amazing Sierra Mountains Tarahumara.
aldama, chihuahua
dasiliryon cedrosanum
12 - 15 years
roasted in shallow pit oven using willow and oak firewood
hand maceration
first stage by axe second stage by knife
5 to 6 days in concrete tanks